Veterans' Affairs and Rehabilitation (VA & R)



Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation means the complete restoration of the veteran and his family to normal function and adjustment, physically, mentally, socially, and vocationally for the fullest possible life, compatible with his abilities and disabilities.

The Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation work of the American Legion Auxiliary includes bringing physical comfort and mental cheer to veterans in hospitals, aiding the disabled to earn money for the support of themselves and their families, and helping them to reestablish themselves in life. The American Legion Auxiliary cooperates with The American Legion in ALL its endeavors on behalf of veterans.

To carry out the Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation work effectively, a complete organization extending from the Unit to the National organization is necessary. Years of experience in rehabilitation have brought about systematizing of the activities which has proven to be the most efficient way to aid the different classes of disabled veterans.

The general plan of Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) programs and aid for the hospitalized veterans within the state is set up by the National Organization. This becomes the responsibility of the Department Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairman , and she should work very closely with The American Legion Committee.

Program Notes

Hospital Volunteer  Program

There is a need for volunteers in local VA Medical Centers nationwide. Medical Center Volunteers will attend an orientation program at the VA Medical Center in their community or adjacent area before they can volunteer to serve in the hospital. After satisfactory completion of the prescribed training courses, the Hospital Volunteers of the American Legion Auxiliary will be qualified to service and aid the Medical Center Staff in caring for the hospitalized veteran.

Field Service Program

One of the programs of Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation is that of Field Service; a volunteer program similar to that of the Hospital Volunteer program, but conducted in community nursing homes and non-VA facilities. An Orientation to these positions must be attended  before the committee members can start their work.

Home Service Program

Home Service is that service given by all American Legion Auxiliary volunteers IN HER OWN HOME to assist Veterans. Home service includes sewing, knitting, coking, shopping for materials and supplies, and other services performed by the volunteer. Hospital Gift Shop items made at home are classified as Home Service.

Guide for Volunteers

The "Guide for Volunteers" contains rules, regulations , and duties for all volunteer groups in rehabilitation, and may be obtained through the Department Headquarters. Every volunteer should have a copy available to her.